(FAQs) frequently asked questions about GED exams

(FAQs) frequently asked questions about GED exams

1. What is the GED exam?

   – The GED (General Educational Development) exam is a series of tests designed to measure the skills and knowledge equivalent to a high school diploma.

2. Who can take the GED exam?

   – Individuals who are at least 16 years old and not enrolled in high school can typically take the GED exam. However, specific age requirements may vary by state or country.

3. What subjects are covered in the GED exam?

   – The GED exam covers four subjects: Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning Through Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.

4. How long does it take to complete the GED exam?

   – The total testing time for all four subjects of the GED exam is approximately seven and a half hours.

5. How is the GED exam scored?

   – Each subject test is scored on a scale from 100 to 200 points. To pass each subject, you need a minimum score of 145. The overall passing score is 580, with an average of 145 per subject.

6. How many times can I take the GED exam?

   – The number of attempts allowed can vary by location, but generally, there’s a limit to the number of times you can take each subject test within a year.

7. How can I prepare for the GED exam?

   – You can prepare for the GED exam by studying official GED preparation materials, taking GED preparation classes, or using online study resources.

8. Is there a fee to take the GED exam?

   – Yes, there is typically a fee to take the GED exam. However, financial assistance may be available for those who qualify.

9. Can I take the GED exam online?

   – Yes, the GED exam can be taken online or at a physical testing center, depending on availability and regulations in your area.

10. What identification do I need to bring to the GED exam?

    – You typically need to bring a valid government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, to the GED testing center.

11. Can I use a calculator during the GED exam?

    – Yes, a calculator is provided on the computer for the Mathematical Reasoning test. However, it’s important to familiarize yourself with its functions beforehand.

12. Are there accommodations available for test-takers with disabilities?

    – Yes, accommodations such as extra time, screen readers, and alternative formats are available for test-takers with documented disabilities. You will need to request accommodations in advance.

13. How long are GED scores valid?

    – GED scores are typically valid for a certain number of years, varying by jurisdiction. After this period, you may need to retake the exam if you haven’t earned your diploma.

14. How soon can I retake a GED subject test if I don’t pass?

    – The waiting period to retake a GED subject test after failing can vary by jurisdiction but is typically around 30 days.

15. Can I retake the GED exam if I pass but want to improve my scores?

    – Yes, you can retake individual subject tests to try to improve your scores. However, there may be a waiting period and additional fees for retakes.

16. Can I use scratch paper during the GED exam?

    – Yes, scratch paper is typically provided at the testing center for you to use during the exam.

17. What happens if I need to cancel or reschedule my GED exam?

    – You can usually reschedule or cancel your GED exam appointment, but there may be fees or specific procedures depending on the testing center’s policies.

18. Is there a time limit for completing each GED subject test?

    – Yes, each subject test has a time limit, ranging from approximately 70 to 150 minutes, depending on the subject.

19. Can I review my GED exam answers before submitting them?

    – Yes, you can review and change your answers within the allotted time for each subject test.

20. How long does it take to receive GED exam scores?     – GED exam scores are typically available online within a few hours of completing the exam, though it may take longer in some cases.

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